About us

Call to Actions and Some Facts About us

About CJ Brewery

family brewery

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to CJ Brewery and Distillery. We are located in Bela Bela ``Warmbaths`` Limpopo Province around 100km from Pretoria. We started in 2020 with acquiring the necessary licences to bring our Fine Gin's, Rum, and Vodka's to the public. All our products are small batch distilled and crafted to bring the purest and most flavourful Craft Spirits.

Our Beers are treated with the same respect, made with the highest quality of grain and hops. Our water is profiled to different locations around the world to give you an experience as none other. Beer is small batch created to be a true Craft Beer packed with flavour.

Coming Soon: An onsite tasting and restaurant where the whole family can enjoy the great outdoors with good food and good drinks. Stay in touch with our news to see when we are open to the public.

Interested in purchasing our fine products? You're welcome to do so online or visit one of the bottle stores / pubs listed under Features / Our Clients